“Oh, good question…!”

“Oh, good question…!”

Oh, yes! What do most people do when they arrive at their desks each morning? They check their email. (Yes, and some browse their favorites/bookmarked websites first, and then they check their email!) So, consider starting your demos in email, if possible. For example, start by saying, “It’s Monday morning and you’ve just arrived in your office…” You then…

Start Your Demo in Email?

Start Your Demo in Email?

Oh, yes! What do most people do when they arrive at their desks each morning? They check their email. (Yes, and some browse their favorites/bookmarked websites first, and then they check their email!) So, consider starting your demos in email, if possible. For example, start by saying, “It’s Monday morning and you’ve just arrived in your office…” You then…

Discovery Effectiveness and Product “Fit”

Discovery Effectiveness and Product “Fit”

Discovery is a simultaneous exploration of prospect “fit” on the part of the vendor and solution “fit” on the part of the prospect. Good fit for both parties results in less friction for all subsequent steps in their relationship. Discovery should measure fit, accordingly, and is an enormous point of leverage for everything downstream! Prospects…